To find our recommended and Affiliated Forensic Experts - please visit our updated Affiliated Experts page at for details.
The area of forensics for investigations has many specialties - the first thought of areas are those driven by media and events. At the time of the popular "CSI" television series, it was criminal, scene and evidence forensics. In the current time of popular electronics it is cellular and computer - digital - forensics. We are now seeing a specialized field of debugging forensics - Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM). We are proud to know some of the best. In addition, many think of forensics as strictly science; however, that is incorrect. Forensics is an area of expertise and evidence specific to our judicial system - as noted by Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council (CDITC), "...the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation..." and at our agency we like to say that forensics represents "Facts or Reasonable Evidence Necessitating Systematic Investigative and Critical Solutions" as it applies to legal investigations.
The following specialties are being added to our Affiliated Experts page - at
- Forensic Pathology
- Forensic Toxicology
- Forensic Nursing
- Forensic Photography
- Digital Forensics - Cell Phones
- Digital Forensics - Computers
- Digital Forensics - GPS / Vehicles
- Forensic Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
We are pleased to extend our relationships with each of these colleagues, bringing better opportunities in evidence collection to our civil and criminal litigation attorney clients.
If you have any questions or need a direct referral to one of our Affiliated Experts, please contact our agency:< Contact Page >
Office (970) 480-7793 ~ Fax (970) 480-7794
Email us - [email protected]