UPDATE 02/24/2016 - today it was released that Justice Scalia's health history included coronary artery disease and diabetes.
UPDATE 02/24/2016 - Our friends at Pursuit Magazine (www.PursuitMag.com) posted a condensed version, nicely edited, of this commentary at http://pursuitmag.com/analyzing-the-death-investigation-of-justice-antonin-scalia - please visit them regularly.
With the recent death of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (02/13/2016), and the questions surrounding it, a real-world understanding of death investigations is needed. Death investigation is not limited to homicide investigations, and is best conducted by trained medicolegal death investigators overseen by a forensic pathologist. What makes us qualified to evaluate the death and investigation, as reported, of Justice Antonin Scalia? Below is a summary of our experience, with a detailed experience following this article.
Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI are both Certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations to include as forensic autopsy assistants, and Certified Criminal Defense Investigators. Together we co-developed 'Death Investigation for Private Investigators' distance learning and continuing education.
Dean formed our agency in 1987 with focus on general investigations, as well as individual locates, backgrounds and assets & liabilities. Karen began in 1996, gaining knowledge and experience in the same areas. Since 2008 we have primarily focused on Equivocal Death Investigations in providing legal investigations and expert consultations in personal injury, negligence and death in civil, criminal and probate litigation.
Our agency, Associates in Forensic Investigations, provides Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Death and Injury Causation in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation. We specialize is assisting other professional investigators and attorneys help families with answers and closures in their own equivocal deaths of loved ones.
In the following analysis, please keep in mind that information is based solely on available media reports. At this time there are no official reports - only reported official statements.
This is a long and detailed commentary, please follow the link to continue with the full commentary, just over 10 pages.
< Click Here to download the complete commentary >