Your State Association
If you are a PI, security professional, process server, etc. - make sure you join your state association (any you work with). This is important if the majority of your networking and work is in-state, and it keeps you up on legislative issues in your state. If you're work includes other states, or you are licensed in multiple states, consider joining those also. Finally, don't just join - be active. The best learning and networking comes from meeting people in person at conferences in meetings. Most states have one, some have two. One of the leading state associations nationwide is right here in Colorado - the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (www.PPIAC.org) - Together We're Better!
National Association of Legal Investigators
If you are a legal investigator - working cases for civil plaintiff or criminal defense, you should seriously consider joining the National Association of Legal Investigators. This is a group of seriously knowledgeable investigators, great networking and conferences. You should join your state association -- and a national association that includes your areas of specialty, NALI is for us. They are also on FB at www.facebook.com/NALIonline. Did I mention great people? Together We're Better!
National Council of Investigation & Security Services
If you are an investigator or security professional, being in business means keeping government out of our business. But, that won’t happen – so we are forced to work with legislators for to stop what negatively impacts us. NCISS is on top of that and supports both state associations and other national associations in these efforts. Please consider joining the National Council of Investigation & Security Services. This is a group of investigators and security agencies working together for our profession. They also have great networking and conferences. Like I said, you should join your state association, and a national association that includes your areas of specialty, and include the association that has been our support in DC for 35 years. Visit them online at www.NCISS.org – Together We're Better!
World Association of Detectives
If you are a private investigator or security professional - working cases for civil, criminal, probate, insurance, missing persons, domestic, surveillance, etc., you should seriously consider joining the World Association of Detectives. This is the oldest and largest group of international professional investigators with extensive networking reach and a conference annually at an exotic international location and a second in the United States. Our profession is more than just in the United States – it is ‘Beyond Global’ (the quarterly association magazine). Details at www.WAD.net. They are also on FB at https://www.facebook.com/pages/World-Association-of-Detectives– Together We're Better!
Specialized Associations
We belong to a few, two associations for criminal defense investigators are:
Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council - www.DefenseInvestigator.com
National Defender Investigators Association - www.NDIA.net
As forensic and death investigators, we also belong to the National Association of Medical Examiners (www.theNAME.org) and the International Association for Identification (www.theIAI.org)
All professions and occupations have specialties – and professional investigations is no different. To learn and network in your specialized areas you should consider associations that for your expertise. This includes fraud, fire, social work, etc. This may also include causes that you believe in for the work you do – such as charities, innocence projects, etc. We are part of the National Association of Medical Examiners, National Defender Investigators Association, Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council, International Association for Identification, Mensa and National Association of Professional Women. Our profession is more than investigations – it is about expertise, learning and networking – Together We're Better!