Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI Elected as 2nd Vice President
National Council of Investigation & Security Services
The National Council of Investigation & Security Service (NCISS) held its annual meeting and conference, from September 4th to September 6th, in Las Vegas NV. In the elections Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI was nominated and elected to the position of 2nd Vice President. He was most recently 2nd Vice President, and previously Secretary and the Regional Director for CO, WY, NE, NM, ID & UT.
Dean is looking forward to continued work on the legislative issues that impact professional investigators and security personnel throughout the country, primarily concerning federal legislation and rule making, as well as with states and their associations on local matters. Of particular focus is the State Association Advisory Board / State Legislation Awareness Monitoring (SAAB / SLAM) introduced last year by then President Bob Heales. The SAAB / SLAM Program is a cooperation of member state associations to assist with responding to their legislative needs, while increasing the strength of NCISS responding to federal legislation and regulation. In addition, the SAAB / SLAM Program benefits NCISS membership through increased networking, leadership mentoring and continuity, with the ability to proactively monitor and appropriately respond.
NCISS has close to 900 members and serves over 60,000 individuals through member investigative and security agencies. NCISS is a cooperative effort of those companies and associations responsible for providing private security and investigation services to the legal profession, business community, government and the public. Each day an increasing number of problems confront the orderly growth of our profession. These problems include, among others: overly restrictive legislation regarding training and standards, proliferation of legislation requiring local licensing, public misunderstanding and misinformation on the role and contribution of private investigators and security services, and an uninformed media. It is the role of NCISS to meet and solve these problems while seeking to uncover and recommend action on any hidden potential problems which may have an effect on our profession.
Dean is the past Board Chairman of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, Governor of the Americas for the World Association of Detectives, and Region 6 representative on the Certified Legal Investigator committee for the National Association of Legal Investigators. In addition, he is a member of the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators, Texas Association of Licensed Investigators, California Association of Licensed Investigators, Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council, and National Defender Investigators Association. Details are available at http://www.deathcasereview.com/principals-bios.html
Respectfully submitted,
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
[email protected]