Look for details in the upcoming issue of the next NCISS Your Advocate digital magazine - www.nciss.org/your-advocate-august-2018
Carol Ward has been the Executive Director for many, many years and it will be quite difficult to follow in her foot-steps. Carol has been a fixture and an exemplary representative in her dedication to NCISS.
Carol is retiring and will be set free from the books to enjoy her life as she so deserves.
I want to thank Carol for her confidence and consideration in recommending me to fill the position as ED to NCISS. I promise to do my best not to disappoint.
I also thank my husband, Dean Beers, for standing by my decision to pursue the ED position and always being there no matter what, even if sometimes he just stands there shaking his head at some of my antics.
I thank the special selection committee that was put to task in choosing an Executive Director as well as the Board who gave the thumbs up for me to have the opportunity to take the position. I appreciate that all of you have given me the chance to assist NCISS in continuing the mission of this important association. We will continue to advocate for all professional investigators and security officers and agencies. Our main goal is to keep us all in business and we will continue keeping up with and being informed of any legislative actions that could impact our professions.
Last, however, certainly not least, I want to thank all NCISS members. Without all of you and your support, NCISS would not be able to continue on with our mission. Like Carol, I am very approachable, and I invite you all to contact me with ideas and concerns to keep NCISS alive and well and working for our professions.
Remember: “You cannot speak up for yourself when you are six feet under, so do it while you still have a voice.”
by Karen Beers
As I start this new chapter in my life, the one thing I will miss, is the daily communication with so many of you. Please know, retiring from NCISS was not an easy decision. Knowing Karen Beers the way I do, I feel I have left you in very capable hands. This makes it so much easier for me to step aside. I don’t plan on being a stranger. Don’t be surprised if I show up at Hit the Hill next Spring.
I am so very proud to have been a part of such a great association. I’m thankful to have been given the opportunity to work with so many professionals that have dedicated so much of their personal time and funds to make NCISS the very best national association for investigators and security professionals.
I sincerely appreciate NCISS’s support during my long tenure and will always consider myself a part of the NCISS family. I wish all of my colleagues the very best, and am certain that the association will continue to grow and be successful.
If I started listing all those that have helped me through this journey, it would take up the whole page. So I will just say “Thank You” to all of you. Please join me in welcoming Karen to her new position as Executive Director of NCISS. You are lucky to have her.
I appointed a Special Committee, Chaired by 1st VP Andrea Orozco, with Past Presidents Maria Landry, Ed McClain and James Huckabee - tasked with the duty of reviewing, interviewing and making a selection and recommendation for the position of Executive Director. The Special Committee completed its due diligence process, looking at resumes and conducting interviews to make its recommendation to the Board.
The Special Committee evaluated the candidates thoroughly; and based on experience and other factors Karen Beers was determined to the best choice to be appointed your new NCISS Executive Director. This was ratified by a vote of the Board and Karen’s position is effective 08/01/2018. Carol will help make the transition as smooth and transparent as possible for members. You will see announcements of new contact information, and updated to the NCISS website.
On behalf of NCISS members and Board, I want to thank Carol for her many years of excellent service!