I'll bet you've noticed and heard about a few changes we have made with our agency - a new name, logo and contact information. Our services remain the same - expert consultations and legal investigations of personal injury, negligence and death in civil, criminal and probate litigation through the US. This better reflects our growing national footprint as Expert Consultants and Legal Investigators of Personal Injury, Negligence & Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation. Our clients will remain attorneys and investigators representing families and victims of traumatic injuries and death. This change also reflects our affiliation with experts in forensic pathology, forensic toxicology and a neurosurgeon (retired).
We also have new contact phone numbers:
(970) 480-7793 for our main number, and x1 for Dean and x2 for Karen
(970) 480-7794 is our new fax number
We have also completely redesigned our agency website, with updates still being developed. As one of our specialties is death investigation and injury causation, visit www.DeathCaseReview.com for a look.
Each month our agency publishes an interactive and informative newsletter for clients and colleagues. However, some groups strip out the html code - so we have created the following links.
The current issue is at < AFI-LLC Newsletter - October 2011 >
(please note - in our hurry to get the newsletter out before leaving for vacation - I did not put up the right banner or change the contact information. This version is corrected).