UPDATE 02/25/2019
With a special thanks to friend and colleague, Gene Ferraro (ForensicPathways.com) - if you need to verify active duty status visit www.servicememberscivilreliefact.com
UPDATE 02/17/2014
What if you need to check the status of a current service member? Visit https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/scra/single_record.xhtml
When requesting archived records and checking on the status of your request has changed (as of February 2015)...
Once you have sent your request, you can check on the status of a request for records that has been submitted to NPRC going to www.archives.gov/st-louis/forms/index.html or by phone at (314) 801-0800 (early morning central time is best). Please not that status checks by email ([email protected]) are no longer accepted (February 2015).
UPDATE 12/20/2014
We received copies for a case, on a rush basis (about one month). The client provided a copy of the subject's DD214, which had some time lapses, and noted an Honorable discharge. The records received filled in those dates - as AWOL, a deserter and incarceration for these convictions. The discharge, with benefits, was negotiated. See our updated commentary at http://www.deathcasereview.com/afi-llc-blog/the-necessity-of-complete-background-investigations
Originally posted 11/23/2014
How to request military records, turn-around time and what is available?
This question comes up frequently, and for our agency it has been some time since doing these regularly. A few things have improved - one area that hasn't is their response. Although frequently recorded with the Clerk & Recorder (or similar) DD214s are considered confidential and available only to the veteran - spouse or other next-of-kin cannot receive a DD214.
However, the near equivalent information is available from the Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF); see below.
The address is - National Personnel Records Center, 1 Archives Dr., St. Louis, MO. 63138
The main customer service number is - (314) 801-0800
The request fax number is (314) 801-9195
Veterans, and spouses of deceased veterans, can request these records online. The start page for all requests is http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/foia-info.html. Note - requests cannot be emailed, only faxed or mailed.
The form required is SF-180 and veterans can order directly online at http://vetrecs.archives.gov.
Once you have sent your request, you can check on the status of a request for records that has been submitted to NPRC going to www.archives.gov/st-louis/forms/index.html or by phone at (314) 801-0800 (early morning central time is best). Please not that status checks by emai ([email protected]) are no longer accepted (February 2015).
How long might this request take? Requests are about 12 weeks / 3 months! If you have a deadline date, please send in a statement stating the dateline date and urgency and fax it to our emergency fax number (314) 801-0764 and they will try to send the records when you need them.
The public has access to certain military service information without the veteran's authorization or that of the next-of-kin (the un-remarried widow or widower, son, daughter, father, mother, brother or sister) of deceased veterans. Examples of information which may be available from Federal (non-archival) Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF) without an unwarranted invasion of privacy include:
- Name
- Service Number
- Dates of Service
- Branch of Service
- Final Duty Status
- Final Rank
- Salary *
- Assignments and Geographical Locations
- Source of Commission *
- Military Education Level
- Promotion Sequence Number *
- Awards and decorations (eligibility only, not actual medals)
- Photograph
- Transcript of Courts-Martial Trials
- Place of entrance and separation
If the veteran is deceased:
- Place of birth
- Date and geographical location of death
- Place of burial
FOIA and Official Personnel Folders (OPF)
Most information in a Federal (non-archival) Official Personnel Folder (OPF) is not releasable to the general public without the written consent of the individual whose record is involved. The Freedom of Information Act does allow, however, for certain information to be released without the individual's consent. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has determined that the following information can be released to the public:
- Name
- Past and present positions
- Past and present titles
- Past and present salaries
- Past and present grades
- Past and present job locations
"Practical Methods For Legal Investigations: Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases" promotional video for CRC Press at http://youtu.be/nnCSNIBGW6I
"We speak for the deceased. To them we owe the truth." AFI-LLC intro video http://youtu.be/OgsvtbSk8fg - Death Investigations and Injury Causation
Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI
Cheyenne WY Licensed Private Investigators (No. OL-15-31146)
Board Certified Legal Investigator / Expert Consultant (national)
Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigators
Certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations / former Deputy Coroners
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
A Rocky Mountain West Agency
Expert Consultants and Legal Investigators
Personal Injury, Negligence & Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate Litigation
www.DeathCaseReview.com ~ [email protected]
WY - (307) 222-0136 Office and (307) 222-0138 Fax
CO - (970) 480-7793 Office and (970) 480-7794 Fax
'Quaero Indicium' - To Find The Evidence
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