Having known, trained under, and worked with him for 10 years, this is a mutually beneficial and exciting opportunity for him.
We have already heard from investigators in the area that this is an exciting and welcome change and improvement to the ME system.
Congratulations Dr. Cina.
Dr. Cina, a Board-certified Anatomic and Forensic Pathologist, has conducted thousands of autopsies and testified to these findings hundreds of times. He has also served as an expert witness in dozens of medicolegal proceedings and has reviewed hundreds of autopsies performed by other pathologists.
AFI-LLC believes that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort, offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.
Dean began working with Forensic Pathologist Stephen Cina MD, in late 2002 and Karen in late 2004, both as death investigators and forensic autopsy assistants. Dr. Cina is currently the Associate Medical Director of the University of Miami Tissue Bank and is a Clinical Professor of Pathology at Nova Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine. Medicolegal investigation, including forensic pathology and forensic toxicology are not limited to death investigation, but are applicable to personal injury and injury causation investigations. See 'Deaths and Personal Injuries' tab.