Q: Explain what you do.
A: We are expert consultants and legal investigators of personal injury, negligence and death in civil, criminal and probate litigation and related matters.
Q: Private investigators have been glamorized on television, movies and plays as masters of disguise and intrigue. What is it like in reality?
A: Particularly in our specialties, there is not much glamour - but there is satisfaction in helping those victimized and affected by traumatic, often fatal, events.
Q: What kind of investigations make up the bulk of your business?
A: Expert consultations in injuries, injury causation and death have become increasingly in demand.
These may be in civil or criminal cases, as well as what is referred to as equivocal death investigation - when there is a question as to the cause and manner of death, at least in the view of the family or their legal representative.
Civil investigations, from motor vehicle collisions to negligence of another, is the bulk of the legal investigative, followed by criminal defense.
Q: You have branched out into forensic investigations. What is the difference between that and private investigations?
A: We began forensic investigations in 2000 and now concentrate primarily in that area as it relates to our specialized services. Private investigators play an important role in our society and legal system - for the individual, business, insurance, attorney and others. Private investigators may provide surveillance, backgrounds, process service and other services in workplace, domestic and also civil and criminal cases.
Legal investigators focus on civil plaintiff (representing a person who is alleging to have been wronged by the actions of another) or criminal defense. Forensic investigations focuses on the facts and evidence necessary for our judicial system, particularly the judge and jury, to make informed decisions. We like to say that forensics represents Facts or Reasonable Evidence Necessitating Systematic Investigative and Critical Solutions.
Q: Generally speaking, what's been your most exciting case?
A: Any case in which we have helped a client, victim or family member begin to find solutions and closure to a traumatic event. It is not possible to be in their position, but we feel with our help on their legal team, we can make their position better.
One memorable case involved extensive work for the victim of a motor vehicle collision who could not recall what happened. We were able to prove, through witnesses and scene investigation, what happened and that the responsible party's statements were false and not possible to have happened as they reported.
Another also involved a motor vehicle collision and being able to prove for the decedent's family that the responsible party, although in possession of a narcotic legally, had used it illegally just before the collision, proving his negligence and not that of the decedent.
Q: How did you get into the investigation business?
A: Dean worked for a local family-owned grocery store and began deciding a career change was necessary. Having long had an interest in investigations, he attempted to work for other investigators but none was hiring during a troubling economic time. Instead, he decided to form his own agency and teach himself what needed to be done. In 1996, Karen began expanding her knowledge and working cases.
Q: Tell our readers one thing that would surprise them about your business.
A: Private investigations has always been one of the fastest-growing small businesses in the U.S. It also has one of the lowest rates of survival in under five years. A recent study found that, just as with 20 years ago, there are as many new investigators (under two years) as veteran (over 15 years). Dean and Karen are also one of three husband and wife Certified Criminal Defense Investigator teams in the U.S. and Dean is one of fewer than 80 certified legal investigators worldwide.
- Ages: Average age is 50
- Occupation: Legal investigators and Expert Consultants - Personal Injury, Negligence & Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation for Investigators, Attorneys, Insurance and Families
- Business: Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
- Business address: national business licensed and based in Fort Collins, Colorado
- Business hours: Consultations are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday but work is literally 24/7.
- Business contact information: Office - (970) 480-7793; General email - Associates@ Forensic-Investigators.com; website: www.DeathCaseReview.com
Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI
Colorado Licensed Private Investigators (Nos. PI-503 and PI-502)
Board Certified Legal Investigator / Expert
Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigators
Certified Death Investigators / former Deputy Coroners
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
www.Forensic-Investigators.com ~ [email protected]
(970) 480-7793 Office (Dean x1 / Karen x2) and (970) 480-7794 Fax
'Quaero Indicium' - To Find The Evidence
Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI are both Colorado Licensed Private Investigators (#PI-503 and PI-502) and Certified Criminal Defense Investigators, and certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations to include as a forensic autopsy assistants; together they co-developed 'Death Investigation for Private Investigators' online continuing education for 14 states, for PI Education.com and can be found at www.MedicolegalDeathInvestigations.com. Dean formed the agency in 1987 and focused on general investigations, as well as individual locates, backgrounds and assets & liabilities. Karen began in 1996, gaining knowledge and experience in the same areas.
Dean is a Certified Legal Investigator and expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations. He has lectured extensively and authored multiple articles, peer-reviewed white papers, and provided expert testimony on Protocols of Private Investigation, and Forensic Investigation of Injury Pattern Analysis. He authored Professional Locate Investigations and recently completed Practical Methods for Legal Investigations: Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases, released by CRC Press in February 2011. Their subject matter expertise is Death Investigation and Injury Causation.
In addition, he is actively involved in several associations for our profession. This includes the immediate past Board Chairman, and Life Member, of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, Region 6 CLI Representative of the National Association of Legal Investigators with a column ‘Forensic Focus’ in NALI's trade magazine ‘The Legal Investigator’, National Secretary of the National Council of Investigation and Security Services, Member and Forensic Investigations Advisor of the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council, Governor of the Americas for the World Association of Detectives, National Defender Investigators Association, Affiliate Consultant member of the National Association of Medical Examiners, International Association for Identification, and Mensa USA.
Karen earned her Bachelor's in Social Work from Colorado State University (Magna Cum Laude). Her background, education and experience with victim advocacy and counseling are valuable assets in working with families and victims of traumatic events. Possessing strong interpersonal skills and ability to reach out to people, she brings a unique perspective to cases, particularly lifestyle matters and mitigation. Her death investigation training and experience, together with her social work and general investigative skills and experience, are an asset to the medicolegal and criminal defense investigative processes. She is also a member of the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council and National Defender Investigators Association.
She has been professionally published with 'The Basics of an Autopsy Report' (PI Magazine, Dec 2011), 'Understanding Suicide and its Prevention – Equivocal Death Investigations' (PursuitMag.com, Dec 2011), and 'False Confessions and Accusations' (PursuitMag.com, Feb 2012).
Their national consultation and investigation agency is based in Colorado and is primarily focused on Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injury, Negligence & Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate matters; including Critical Case Analysis. They are proud parents of Jeberly and Winter, and have three grandchildren - Jacee, and identical twin grandsons Gage and Cash.
From Karen, which speaks of our agency..."Equivocal Death Investigations/Analysis. Sometimes the death of a loved one leaves behind many unanswered questions. Helping clients understand the investigative process, answer questions to help ease their minds are the main goals of a death analysis. Due to the prevalence of Equivocal Death Analysis, we now offer a flat-fee to further help families in their time of need. Helping clients with lingering issues surrounding a loved one's death is difficult yet necessary to assist in resolving issues that can sometimes take years. Hearing the words, "Thank you, you have helped me to understand" whatever questions they may have had tucked inside their minds is very rewarding."