Here are the Best of the Blog from that time:
As a Legal Investigators and death investigators, previously with two area medical examiner’s offices, we have investigated many tragedies due to driving in inclement weather. We would like to share some useful tips, should you find yourself involved in a motor vehicle collision. This information may be particularly helpful should you find your city or town in a state of emergency, where non-injury collisions are ‘counter reports’ – law enforcement will not be able to respond.
LaPorte investigative team takes pride in helping victims 10/13/2011
The local newspaper did this business profile on us - published Monday 10/10/2011. Although we did not choose the title, interestingly they chose to describe us as a 'team', our first emphasis, and 'pride', our second emphasis. PRIDE is an acronym we use for Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence.
Statement Analysis - How Much Does a Statement Reveal? 11/12/2011
This is not meant to be a political review, but given this well-known statement and alleged incident, a cursory review reveals more questions than answers, and perhaps some insight into truth v. deception.
Unfortunately this is the time of year in which suicides increase. Please read this article by Karen concerning this tragedy and might help a loved one and save a life < Understanding Suicide and its Prevention > 12/17/2011
The New Year is quickly approaching, and let us all hope for a better year. Even if your year was great, it doesn’t hurt to strive for better. Life can be extremely hard on us, and some have a more difficult time coping than others.
What is the value of hiring a PI for background checks and investigations? 12/09/2011
Over the years it has been increasingly easy for the private citizen to check the backgrounds of other individuals at little to no cost. In many states various public records have been made more available directly, or by data services reselling data. At the same time there have been more restrictions on records that can be accessed, often requiring a PI license, or redacted considerably or completed banned from access. One record that is easy and free, in most jurisdictions and via online sources are the sex offender registrations - from local to national. But, each of these resources does no good if not used, used improperly or not verified.
Referral Program from AFI-LLC to Investigators - launched! 12/04/2011
We are proud to announce AFI-LLC has launched a special referral program just for our colleagues. The concept is simple - our agency provides services that are complimentary to yours; and often, your clients will contact you first about services that we offer and you can benefit from. From that is born our referral program.
What are the 10 Drugs found in toxicology testing of decedents 01/21/2012
Did you know that AFI-LLC will provide documentation of injuries both clinically (i.e. home or hospital) and at funeral homes? We will also collect decedent toxicology specimens and submit for second testing. This service is only available in CO, WY and the NE panhandle. We are working on other locations.
The Importance of A Thorough Investigation 01/13/2012
A story today regarding a death that occurred in 2010 is a perfect example of why you do not jump to a conclusion when you first enter the scene where a death has occurred. It takes several angles of an investigation in finding all of the facts to have an accurate determination of a death.
Homicides are down, while Natural and Accident deaths rise 01/12/2012
Statistics for 2010 from the Center for Disease Control for the top five leading causes of death. Slayings (homicide) is no longer on the list, has been since 1965. #5 is accidents and #10 is suicides. The other good news...infant mortality is down 3.9%.
What are Equivocal Death Investigations and Equivocal Death Analysis? 01/01/2012
What does it mean to conduct an Equivocal Death Investigation or Analysis (EDI, EDA)? We get asked this question time and time again. An Equivocal Death Investigation is an in depth investigation into a death that has lingering questions. Many families have come to us for help in understanding the circumstances surrounding a loved ones death. The manners of death can be classified as any of the following: homicide, suicide, natural, accident or undetermined. Sometimes the family/loved one of the deceased individual does not agree with the final determination and have a yearning for more answers.
Scene Investigations - Conducting vs. Completing the Investigative Process 02/29/2012
As investigators we get the opportunity to investigate all aspects of a case. Sometimes a case may require some scene work. Even if at first it appears that the case does not require a visit to the scene, if you have the opportunity, it is always recommended to go back where the event first began. Whether the case involves a death, a motor vehicle accident, or some type of crime, take the extra time, go that extra mile and visit the scene. You might be surprised once you visit the scene to find out that something could not have occurred the way the witness, victim or police officer claims. It is best not to rely on others to do the work you need to do yourself. You are the investigator, and someone is depending on you to see, hear, and get an overall feel of what the scene was like.
False Confession and Accusations 02/24/2012
Karen's third published article and second for www.PursuitMag.com!
To most of us, false confessions and accusations seem completely unfathomable. The first couple of questions that come to mind are, “Why would anyone admit to a crime that he/she did not commit?” and “Why would anyone knowingly accuse a person of a crime he/she did not commit?”
Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports - encore repost at PursuitMag.com 02/24/2012
Voltaire said ‘To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.’ This is the definitive task of the medicolegal death investigator and forensic pathologist. The course of the death investigation has multiple phases including: scene investigation body assessment medical records ...
Who Needs an Equivocal Death Case Review? 02/17/2012
When someone asks me what type of investigative work we do, I usually go down the list of what our agency offers. However, nine times out of ten, the only item on the list that draws their attention is equivocal death case investigation, or equivocal case death review. I have not decided yet, which of two words grab their attention the most, either the word “death” or the word “equivocal”.
How skilled are you at individual locates, backgrounds and assets & liabilities? 02/17/2012
I recently came across a test I developed in 2002 for a 'Certified Locate Specialist' exam. Believe it or not, not much has changed in 10 years when it comes to the core skills and knowledge necessary for these types of records checks and investigations. So, I thought I would have a little fun and share it. I've put it on the page with our updated and revised eBook, which was developed from the course for this certification.
Dean and Karen Beers guests on Crime Time with Vito Colucci 03/30/2012
Dean and Karen join friend and renowned private investigator Vito Colucci on his syndicated talk show - Crime Time with Vito Colucci!
How Exploitation and Manipulation Equals Rush to Injustice 03/28/2012
In the news, non-stop, is the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year old black male that was fatally shot by George Zimmerman, a volunteer neighborhood watch member that was armed. The purpose of this blog is not to analyze this case, but to point out some key issues.