This program has been in development since the spring of 2020, and is the first to be exclusively for the Criminal Defense Investigator.* Developed by Associates in Forensic Investigations and partnered exclusively with the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council (CDITC) - two powerful teams in their expertise, joining together of offer the CFDI Program for this specialized training in advanced criminal defense investigations.
*The CFDI Program is open to any qualified private investigator.
Death and Serious Bodily Injury (SBI) investigations are Catastrophic Events, and for the Criminal Defense Investigator is a forensic specialty. Associates in Forensic Investigations and CDITC are dedicated to furthering our profession by sharing our experiences and expertise. Our education and training never stops – the CFDI is intended to challenge, educate, and elevate you. There are three basic requirements: 1) Qualifications – all CCDIs and CLIs pre-qualify; 2) Complete and pass the basic Pre-Requisite Courses; and 3) Completing and passing this advanced Program. The CFDI Program and fee includes a webinar series, a reference guide of the presentations, and a book available only to CFDIs. Once completed an online exam, and a sample case study report each require passing.
Once you have earned your CFDI, you will enhance any Criminal Defense Investigator skills, and all CDITC and other preeminent certifications and experiences to bring your Criminal Defense Investigations to a new level of advanced knowledge and skills for the most demanding Criminal Defense Investigations areas – involving Death and Serious Bodily Injury (SBI) incidents. You will also have unique access to collegial networking and continuing education. The CE requirements include forensic death investigation and criminal defense investigation, and are available from several sources, and skills of the CFDI. These include submitting redacted case reports, fact and expert testimony specific to the CFDI, providing CFDI related lectures and seminars, being published with related articles, and attending related seminars, webinars and conferences. We will also be offering CE modules exclusively to CFDIs.
Like Criminal Defense Investigations, this program is a challenge and will take dedication to learn, study, complete and pass – and it will be rewarding! This includes being an active criminal defense investigator with general and criminal defense investigation specific experience. Although helpful, law enforcement experience and higher education do not count – experience for the CFDI program is what counts. Once completed, general and specific annual continuing education and experience is required. As important, this is not just a certification program or attaching CFDI to your signature line and CV – it is a professional enhancement program. We also offer support and networking. We want YOU to succeed! As long as you maintain your CFDI credential, you will have the following:
- Our agency is exclusively available to you to offer guidance on your case. We will offer support guidance at no charge. If you or your client requires our expert consultation, we will discuss details at that time - and offer YOU a discount or referral fee more generous than the standard.
- As a new program, we need CFDIs to support and network with each other. This includes a CFDI only listserv, listing on this website as a CFDI or CFDI-Expert with full contact information.
- You will have the option to use, at no charge, the email @CertifiedForensicDeathInvestigator.com (not a standalone hosted email service, but an email forwarding service to your primary email account).
- Once the CFDI has testified three times as an expert, the credential is upgraded to CFDI-Expert. Testimonial proof is required.
We are excited to see this year long goal come to you with the CFDI Program! We encourage you to take the challenge and enhance your Criminal Defense Investigation skills, experience, and knowledge. The realized benefits are your – and your clients as we strive to protect their Constitutional rights.
With appreciation, Dean and Karen Beers
Dean A. Beers, CLI* and Karen S. Beers, BSW* (*CCDI, CFI-FTER, CFSI)
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
A Rocky Mountain West Agency / National Consultations
(970) 480-7793 x1
[email protected]
Expert Legal Investigators and Medicolegal Consultants
Personal Injury, Negligence & Death Civil, Criminal, Probate & Interpleader Litigation