Be sure and register now for the conference - and pre-conference! Details at https://ppiac.wildapricot.org/event-2454623
In the July Facts & Forensics, hosted by GIMG.tv, Dean interviewed long-time friend, Brandon Perron, about his upcoming pre-conference training day for FTER (Forensic Testimonial Evidence Recovery) training and certification. Although we have not taken his training on this, we have others and have provided some for his classes.
Listen online online - http://gimg.tv/031-facts-forensics/#more-888
Take a listen and find out more directly from Brandon - he is excited to be here and it will be a packed and energetic day! His segment is about 33 mins in and goes for 50 mins to the end). Brandon also talks about a special offer exclusively for PPIAC and NCISS members - but you have to listen to learn what it is!
He also provided me his FTER book when it first came out - a must get (available at the conference or Amazon - http://astore.amazon.com/assoinforeinv-20/detail/0967061512/132-8606438-5097668
What else is on the podcast?
-- Special Offer for Listeners - latest book now available!
"Investigating Death and Serious Bodily Injuries"
-- Conversations with Karen
Karen joins us with two interesting topics of discussion – Is it Homicide or Suicide and Every Contact Leaves a Trace.
-- Special Guest with Dean
Brandon Perron, CCDI, CFI-FTER, returns to talk about FTER (Forensic Testimonial Evidence Recovery) and how he developed it, the importance to investigators, and the training and certification process. He also shares an upcoming opportunity for listeners to take advantage of!
-- Association News
-- Legislative and News of Our Profession
-- Facts & Forensics Sponsors
Be sure and register now for the conference - and pre-conference! Details at https://ppiac.wildapricot.org/event-2454623
Conference Highlights
2017 Rocky Mountain Private Investigators Conference
Join investigators from around the country in participating in world class training at the 2017 Rocky Mountain Private Investigators Conference held in beautiful Denver, Colorado, September 14-16.
Conference is being held in the Denver Marriot Westminster at 7000 Church Ranch Boulevard, Westminster, Colorado 80021
Register now and make your reservations to be part of this world class training event!
2017 Training Topics:
- Ethics in a Changing World - Kitty Hailey
- Junk Science: What attorneys should know about forensic science - Mark Gillespie
- Beyond the CSI Effect: Considering Essential Criteria for Addressing Forensic Evidence in Today's Media-Affected Legal System - Jeff Boxer
- Cultural Considerations to Russian Investigations - Anastasiya Bolton
- Private Investigators & The Dirty Little Secret of Sub-Contracting: Insurance Fraud Investigations - Richard Brooks
- Ethics for Investigators - JP Moore
- Unlocked Doors and Digital Footprints - Andy Kindred
- Diagnostic & Prescriptive Approach to Judgement Enforcement - Joe Dickerson
For hotel reservations - Hotel Reservations
Download the schedule of events - Schedule
Become a sponsor or Vendor - Sponsor Application
Brandon Perron - Forensic Interviewing: FTER Certification Class
Don't miss out on this excellent opportunity to receive certification in forensic testimonial evidence recovery!
Register NOW! 2017 Rocky Mountain Private Investigators Conference
Pricing/Conference Information:
3 Day Includes Brandon Perron: PPIAC/NCISS/PSACO $375
3 Day Includes Brandon Perron: Non-members $425
2 Day Conference only: PPIAC/NCISS/PSACO $200
2 Day Conference only: Non-members $275
Brandon Perron only: PPIAC/NCISS/PSACO $175
Brandon Perron only: Non-members $275
Single day conference only: $150
The Denver Marriott Wesminster has reserved a rate of $161 per night for the PPIAC. You can make your reservation here.