Mandatory Licensing of Private Investigators - now headed to the governor's desk!
AFI-LLC were chartered licensed investigators under the voluntary program since July 2012, expiring this year with the repeal of voluntary and now the pending enactment of mandatory PI licensing. This week the bill passed through the final vote of the House an is pending signature by the governor.
Congratulations to the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, the licensing committee and supporters of many years in seeing this through. A great deal of work, over many years - and for many many weeks again from mid 2013 to now - has been done. Associations are as strong as their membership and leaders, and a great deal takes place on a daily basis that is simply unrecognized. These accomplishments often take a great deal of personal and professional time and sacrifice, hundreds of hours and even days.
Our special thanks to each of those who have done so much - from as far back as when PPIAC was founded shortly after licensing was lost in 1977, to now. This is built on the brick by brick successes and failures of past and recent determination and endurance.
We hope you will join me in extending this recognition and appreciation - from members of PPIAC and colleagues as professionals and members, to the PPIAC board and licensing committee - and those that have filled all three roles at times.
Now, only for the governor to sign...and then preparing for program enactment in about a year.